Monday, 10 August 2015

W5: Escher

This drawing shows similarity between each hand as both hands look the same, both are holding pencils and are drawn in the same way. 
This image uses continuation by the way that both hands loop around on each other leading the viewer to look in a loop, from one hand to the other.   

Just like 'hands' this image uses continuation in a way that infinitely loops. The stairs seem to always be going up or down depending on which way your eyes take you. As a result the viewer looks around this image over and over. 
Each individual step as well as each person walking up / down the infinite stairs has a close proximity with itself. Particularly for the steps, this makes the stairs all one ongoing object. 


The infinity shape that the black / white swans are moving in leads the viewer to follow them around over and over again. 
The consistency of space between each swan has them all within close proximity to one another. 
Figure and Ground
THe figure and ground is used in the center of the image where the stream of white swans and the stream of black swans overlap. The white swans are positioned in a way that the black swans in the background fit perfectly into the gaps.   

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